Wednesday, July 2, 2014

We have lots of catching up to do!

We are at the latter stages.  By "we," I dad.  But, in reality, the "we" is my entire family.  My dad is fully in stage six, exhibiting most of the symptoms, but with a few symptoms we are seeing a step into stage seven.

You may be at the beginning of this journey, or maybe you just want to understand what Alzheimer's is, or what it does, or what you should expect for a loved one.  "Stages" may mean absolutely nothing to you.  To understand what symptoms are experienced in each stage you should go here:

Through this journey we have come to realize that information is sporadic, and spread all over.  We have felt so lost at times.  We knew more than we desired to know about the disease because our grandfather, my mom's step-father, died from complications of Alzheimer's.  Still, we had never been completely immersed in the daily devastation of this disease.

This blog will be a family effort.  Each person in my family will share knowledge, memories, fears, tears, websites that have been helpful to us...basically, we will share what we have personally learned through the process.  It's A LOT!  We don't want others to feel as lost as we have.  Hopefully, by sharing what we have learned so far will help another family through the trials of this tragic disease.

We have lots of catching up to do!  We are six years past diagnosis.  A lot has happened in those six years.  Follow the journey with us.  Experience life with us.  Grieve with us.  Find joy in the special moments with us.  Ask questions.  We are open.  We want to help.  We will share the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Let's go back to the beginning...

Kerry (4th child of Dan, baby of the family)

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